Josie Devine

Josie Devine is a self-taught artist based in Edinburgh. With a professional background in marketing and copywriting, she rediscovered her longtime passion for art during the first lockdown of 2020. From what began as an Instagram side-hustle, she has now created a full-time professional practice. She secured gallery representation with The Old Bank Vault in London, has appeared in a number of online exhibitions, with platforms such as The Curators and UN Women UK, and has collaborated with fashion brands womanhood, KITRI and & Other Stories. She relocated from London to Edinburgh in March 2021 to set up her first studio.


Taking inspiration from years of life drawing classes, her work naturally evolved as an exploration and celebration of the figure. Painting predominantly in acrylics, her work explores the shapes, movements and gestures of the female form. Through a bold use of colour and simplified lines, her pieces reflect the vivid, enigmatic beauty she sees in the feminine; creating both a striking sense of immediacy, and a lasting impression on the viewer. She is drawn to the inherently feminine juxtaposition of softness and strength, and often works on poses that portray this duality.